

I felt a déjà vu today, while I was at the movies watching Toy Story 3. I couldn't stop thinking when I was a child and all the things that made me happy back then. It's incredible how much we can change in some years. I'm definitely a complete different person from the one I was only five years ago, for example.

Toy Story is one of the movies of my generation, everyone of my age know the characters of this film, they would recognize Woody or Buzz without having so much trouble. And also, I think this was one of the movies that change it all. That was the first film that was made by Disney-Pixar and it was a huge hit.

It was in 1995 when the children of my generation were watching its first film. And we had to wait 11 years from the second part to the third part!

What I can say now is that I hadn't big expectations for Toy Story 3, but I really enjoyed watching it. The weird thing is that right now my sister has the same age as I had the year of the release of Toy Story 2. Weird huh?

However the thing is that I felt today like the good little kid I was, and it felt so weird because I didn't even remember I used to be like that!


MUSIC VIDEO [Eminem - Not Afraid]

Eminem is back and better than ever, I swear. He's not the blonde rapper boy anymore, he has grown as an artist and as a person. His latest single Not Afraid is a powerful song that speaks for itself.

Recovery is the name of his new album that was released last week, and has sold the astonishing amount of 753,870 copies on its first week, only in the USA. With this big comeback he will be No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 200 this week.

Congrats Eminem!


The princess of Pop has designed a clothing line with the brand Candie's, which sells exclusively at Kohl's. It's the first time Britney gets involve on designing a collection of clothes, and it has absolutely her style all over it.

It will be a limited edition so if you like it, be sure to pick it up starting this July 1. You want a piece of her?



Yesterday, a sneak peek of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows premiered at the Mtv Movie Awards. You can see so many scenes from both movies Part 1 & Part 2. I'm so excited, waiting for November.....

And Tom Felton won Best Villain for his role of Draco Malfoy on Half-Blood Prince.


MUSIC VIDEO [Kylie Minogue - All The Lovers]

Love is the greatest and purest feeling in the world! And this video shows exactly this.

It's Godess Kylie's new single All the Lovers. Hope you like it as much as I do.